
Would you like assistance from your planner with decor and design?

How important are decor and floral design to you?

Please share any details about your design and/or Pinterest board links.

Have you booked a venue or any other wedding vendors? If so, who (please list specific vendor names)?

Examples:  $80,000-$100,000; $100,000-$150,000; $150,000+

Estimated Total Wedding Investment

Estimated Guest Count

Event Location

Event Date

Phone Number

Email Address


We are typically in the office on Mondays and Wednesdays. Please note that we are often away from our computers Thursday-Sunday for event production and execution. Your inquiry is important to us, and we will respond as soon as we are able!


thank you!

How important is the management of your wedding day (keeping vendors organized, overseeing the timeline, etc.)? Please describe the role you would like your wedding planner to take in the planning process and on wedding day.

Would you like assistance from your planner with decor and design?

How important are decor and floral design to you?

Have you started thinking about decor and design? If so, we would love to hear more about your vision. Feel free to share inspiration images and/or a Pinterest link!

Tell me a little more about the two of you! What do you enjoy doing together as a couple? What are your favorite things about each other and your relationship?

Have you booked a venue or any other wedding vendors? If so, who?

How did you and your fiancé meet?

$30,000-$50,000; $50,000-$80,000; $80,000-$100,000; $100,000+

Estimated Budget

Estimated Guest Count

Event Location

Event Date

Phone Number

Email Address


We are typically in the office on Mondays and Wednesdays. Please note that we are often away from our computers Thursday-Sunday for event production and execution. Your inquiry is important to us, and we will respond as soon as we are able!